Die Britin Loray Lee, die als Nagelmeisterin arbeitet, überrascht jeden Tag andere mit ihrem Image und setzt Hörner und Elfenohren auf. Sie tut dies, weil sie sich wie eine Außerirdische auf der Erde fühlt und nur ein solches Look hilft Loray, sich auf diesem Planeten wohl zu fühlen.

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omg so... many of you know I’m agoraphobic and haven’t gone out into society for years and I FINALLY DID IT! I’ve tried so many times and failed! . . We went out on Thursday and then again on Friday! I still have a very long way to go, I felt very on edge the whole time and barely spoke to anyone but I still did it! You can see in one of the photos I have my arm across myself, Neton said I do this when super anxious - I didn’t know I did this haha . . THURSDAY: We went to a small fancy dress party but I couldn’t get out of the car so we decided to try somewhere else, on the third try @netonkent managed to get me to walk out of the car and into a small pub. As soon as we walked in everyone got quiet and turned to stare at us like in the ‘old west’ haha 😅 I forgot being blue isn’t exactly normal, even on Halloween especially since no one else was dressed up! 😂 Everyone who talked to me looked taken aback when I seemed shy haha - it was just so weird, the only human I have seen IRL for years is @netonkent and occasionally a family member. People are just things I see on Netflix or Instagram etc it was just so weird I can’t explain it! . . FRIDAY: We went to a fancy dress party in an old mill building, it had an 80’s feel to it so we loved it! Everyone was so friendly and I even won the fancy dress prize - which was weird because I felt very toned down to usual haha 👽 . . There was a band too, they seemed pretty good but idk what they were called . . One thing I didn’t expect was that I kind of kept falling over a little because I’m not used to walking on land, I’m sure I just looked drunk haha - I need to make sure I spend time off the boat more often so this doesn’t happen!! . . But in conclusion (because wow, I wrote an essay), I’m very proud of myself, even if I wish I could have tried socialising more. I had a lot of fun - even just looking at the ceilings/decor/different environments and being surrounded by so many real people. . . I can’t imagine that I can do it again, but I’m going to try my best because agoraphobia sucks and I want it to be just another thing I overcame. . . #agoraphobia #buildaladder #halloween2019 #ishokuhada #socialanxiety

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Schon als Kind wurde das Mädchen von der japanischen Subkultur “Gyaru” mitgerissen. Loray entdeckte für sich ein helles Make-up und begann mit Looks zu experimentieren. Und später erkannte sie, dass all dies ihr hilft, ihre wahre Essenz einer Außerirdische auszudrücken.

Die junge Frau färbt ihre Haut jeden Tag mit Hilfe eines veganen Farbstoffs blau. Es sieht ungewöhnlich aus, aber Loray muss anderen ständig erklären, warum sie es tut.

Die Nichtakzeptanz durch andere Menschen stört oft die Frau, aber sie glaubt, dass sie eines Tages Freunde finden kann, die sie so akzeptieren können, wie sie ist.

In der Zwischenzeit zieht die 28-jährige Loray immer mehr Kundinnen, was auch nicht schlecht ist.

Quelle: lemurov.net

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